my graphics card isn't being detected because when i turn on the computer the monitor is black like no signal it says. I went to bios and the pcie slot it is conncted in says its empty but its not, i have my card there. I dont know if its a broken pcie slot or my graphics card. The graphics card turns on and the lights work and fans too. I have everything connected properly. Please help me. This all of a sudden happened today and i dont know why. I have a asus gtx 780.
UPDATE June 5, 2017: I RMA'd my Asus GTX 780 Directcu ii oc today because it is broken I figured out. I tested my computer with another one of my graphic card and it worked, so it is the GTX 780 that isn't working.
UPDATE June 5, 2017: I RMA'd my Asus GTX 780 Directcu ii oc today because it is broken I figured out. I tested my computer with another one of my graphic card and it worked, so it is the GTX 780 that isn't working.