Computer typing by itself?

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Oct 1, 2015
Hello everyone! Today I have a big problem.

Today I woke my PC from sleep, and was very confused after about 10 minutes of use. My computer was typing the letters W, A, S, and D mostly, but also a lot of F, shift, tab, and caps lock. At one point it even typed "niggge" which was pretty hilarious in all honesty.

I think this has something to do with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, because all the things it is typing are exactly the things I pressed in the game a little earlier. It stops after a little bit, and then after I quit the game the next time it does this.

I also noticed that it was making a pattern earlier, where it lined up 2 lines vertically and about 5 lines apart in the notepad, and copied the exact letters from the line above. Looked like this:
started here{

} ended here
I restarted my computer. I logged back in, and the problem seemed to somehow get worse. The keyboard kept typing a bunch of letters, so I opened a notepad to capture everything it was typing, and was amused but also concerned.

Anyways, I ran windows defender and deleted what it perceived to be a virus of some sort, and unplugged my keyboard (K95 RGB). I was surprised to see that even with the keyboard unplugged it was STILL typing. At this point I knew that it wasn't a problem with my keyboard, and some sort of weird issue with my computer.

I also tried unplugging the ethernet cable from my computer, but even offline it still is doing this.

Eventually it stopped typing in the notepad, and the ghost typing has been inactive for around 10 minutes now.

I am pretty smart with computers, I code, and I have built PC's (like this one with the issue) but I am stumped with this issue. I've had this computer for almost 3 years and never had a virus or other problem before.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

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If it's always the exact same thing, then it's possible it's just a prank malware, but if it always changes, the only two possible things are that you are connected to the internet and being hacked (by an idiot) or have a wireless receiver somewhere picking up somebody's wireless keyboard.

Here's a simple way of knowing if it's the third option in 5 min , download a linux livedisk and boot into it. If you get the same issue, it's 100% a wireless receiver attached to your computer. Take it apart if you need to, there's something there.

When I unplug my keyboard (K95 RGB Wired) it just keeps coming. I assume it is taking every key I pressed in game and for some reason repeating it after I close the game. When I disconnect the ethernet cable it also keeps coming.

I do not have anyone around me who plays FPS games.

If there's no internet connection and that still happens, you have a wireless receiver somewhere that's picking up somebody else's device. You should unplug that receiver. If it belongs to something you purchased, demand a refund from the manufacturer for having a security flaw. If it's something you've never seen before, contact the proper authorities.


I don't have a wireless receiver in my desktop.

If you weren't confused about the internet connection being off, you have a wireless receiver of some sort attached to your computer. It is physically impossible to receive that type of input unless there is a receiver, either wired or wireless.

Yes, I understand, but I used a hard wired connection for my computer and I do not have a wireless adapter installed.

Still having the problem randomly.

I did say run your computer without an internet connection, and then report back. If your problem stops, reformat your computer immediately, then download a proper antivirus solution and check your backed up files.

The problem stops on its own after around 10 or so minutes no matter if the internet is enabled or not.

Any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help so far by the way.
If it's always the exact same thing, then it's possible it's just a prank malware, but if it always changes, the only two possible things are that you are connected to the internet and being hacked (by an idiot) or have a wireless receiver somewhere picking up somebody's wireless keyboard.

Here's a simple way of knowing if it's the third option in 5 min , download a linux livedisk and boot into it. If you get the same issue, it's 100% a wireless receiver attached to your computer. Take it apart if you need to, there's something there.
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