Hi, I have been trying to find online howto upgrade a Gateway DX-4710-301A computer. It currently has the specs of 6gb of ram, windows 7 home premium 32-bit, Intel Core 2 quad Q6700 2.66 Ghz, BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG, 300 watt PSU (im not sure what kind it is), 250Gb western Digital Sata II (product name: WD2500YS) Hard drive [ 2 hard drives in computer, can't remember the second one other than that its 160gb ram and a SATA II]. I am not sure about the heat sink she has either, a radeon silent hd 5450 graphics card. If you need anymore information, please ask. Mainly im concerned with the CPU and PSU. I do not want a new computer to build, I just wanna know the options. This is my friend's computer and she's a gamer with a low budget. The limit of her games are mainly skyrim, far cry 3, assassin's creed revelations and the one's below.