computer used to work, now processor fan runs loud and wont display anything, usb wont work.

Jul 5, 2018
computer turns on, but wont display anything and the processor fan runs really hard. my keyboard and mouse wont light up either...

i have tried
-reseating the graphics card
-taking out the battery for a bit
-switching around ram
there's more i've tried, i just cant remember

it used to work fine, no problems but now it wont even boot.

earlier today i got it to boot but now its back to running hard and not turning on

(what i can remember of) the specs:
intel core duo
4x corsair 1gb ddr2 ram
geoforce gtx 750ti superclocked edition
430w evga power supply

idk how to see what your motherboard is

i have an i5 processor and arctic fan to go with but my motherboard cant use it (supposedly)