Computer wont boot unless I reseat the ram


Jun 26, 2018
Computer Specs
MSI X370 Motherboard
Corsair Vengence LPX 16 gb (2x8) 3000 mhz
Ryzen 7 2700x
EVGA 1060 SSC ACX 3.0
EVGA 650 Watt PSU
Windows 10

A few weeks back I decided to make the jump to DDR4 and Ryzen. This upgrade required a new mobo, ram, and CPU. I changed out all the parts and went on my merry way, everything was working great. Fast forward to the present, I try to boot my computer. Fans spin, lights come on in the tower, but not on my keyboard, but my monitor isn't showing anything, just reading no signal.

At the time these issues had started I had been using an EVGA 500 watt power supply. Thinking that may be the issue I decided to trade it out for the 650 watt that's now present in my current setup (Was planning on putting it in when I bought a new GPU).

Needless to say it didn't fix the issue. I sat down in my chair pondering the situation and finally decided to unplug all USB accessories from the system and try to boot it up again. Same thing, no change. Running out of cards to play I decided to reseat the ram, then it booted up like normal! I turned the computer off and on multiple times, it starting fine every time. Thinking it was just some sort of weirdness going on with the hardware change I dismissed it.

That night I turned off the computer and in the morning I attempted to turn it on. It happened again, so I'm here. Any suggestions?

Potentially Relevant
Days prior I was trying to get my old 3d vision kit to work, but the computer blue screened during the process due to Geforce Experience installing the drivers funky. But the blue screen wasn't blue, it was pink? Not sure if it's relevant but figured I'd mention it for good measure.

(Edit): Going to try clearing the CMOS when I get home from work. Will update.
Being reseating the ram seemed to fix it....I'd be looking at the ram contacts and the slots for anything out of the ordinary.

Have you tried it again?

There is also a possibility that you have a bad ram stick that is intermittent although I think this less likely.
Sorry for downvoting your comment. I was scrolling on my phone and accidentally pressed the down button. It wont let me change it either.

I actually found the solution which is really strange to me. I had just purchased the Logitech G910 Orion Spark keyboard and now unplugging it before booting actually makes it consistently boot fine for some reason.

I have no clue why. A stupid assumption would be that it's treating it as a bootable drive but I think the odds of that are ridiculous at best.