Computer won't boot with two ram cards inserted


Dec 25, 2015
I received a m5a97 le r2.0 for Christmas along with an amd fx6300 and 8gb(2x4gb) compatible g.skill ram. I struggled to get the machine to post for a while it got to bios once or twice but crashed on attempted boot. So I started testing the ram cards I removed one stick and the machine booted fine. I figured the other card must be broken but I wanted to be sure so I tested it and it worked fine as well. I moved on to testing the slots themselves with those working just fine as well, so I put both sticks in the recommended position of 2,4 but no bios no screen flash nothing. I took out one card and ran the windows memory test and that came back clean as well. So now I can take either card out and it works fine(though with only 4gb), anyone got any ideas I'm not very experienced at this so its got me completely stumped. I'm running windows 7 x64 with the dram timing tuned to the recommended settings.
Not to spam or anything, but I really need help with this issue as soon as possible as I believe I have a limited time to act on the warranty if its a faulty piece.
The ram in question are 2 4gb g.skill ares (f3-1600c9d-8gab) I looked it up before hand and it said it was compatible but I've been fooled before so if someone knows for sure. Not sure if its relevant but I have a 500w power supply and an gtx 550 ti graphics card with 2tb hdd.
Update: I got the computer to post once by messing around a little bit in the bios with unchaining memory and turning off memory hole remapping but after posting it blacked out on windows load screen and continued to refuse to post again. I'm really only familiar with basic hardware installation so all the complicated options in the bios are very confusing. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of motherboard bios?
Update: I have now succeeded in booting the pc, I disabled channel interleaving in the bios. I have had a few small crashes where the screen shut off going straight to black but rebooted without any issues or blue screens. I'm not sure if its something I should be concerned about so any advisement on if that is common is still welcome.