computer wont boot!

Bradley Champine

Aug 23, 2013
I just came home from a long day away to find my pc won't start. I finished the build a few days ago: i5 haswell, radeon 7950, micro atx board. Everything so far seemed to be going fine, all the drivers up to date, all the temps were fine, all the updates installed, and I had even started to test out the gaming capabilities.
when i got home tonight and pressed the power, the power light came on, then the cd power light, then the power fan, case fan, and graphics card fans. The cpu fan twitched a few times, but never came on. then the lights went out and the computer kept doing this over and over but no boot. I unplugged the power after switching the psu off and left it unplugged for a minute, then tried to boot - same deal. after leaving it off for a minute the cpu fan will sometimes spin for a few seconds like its going to boot, but then it stops and the whole thing starts over. I have no idea what happened. the computer was off when i left this morning, plugged into a surge protector.
please for the love of all that is holy any advice would be appreciated.

I tried taking everything out and powering up with just the cpu in. the fan starts now, powers up for a few seconds, and then goes off. I kept adding in parts until i got everything in and now this is what happens: all the fans come on like everything is working, but nothing appears on the screen, then everything goes off and starts over. So like before except now the CPU fan is coming on with everything else. Im so confused.