computer wont load windows 10!


Jul 20, 2015
I shut down my computer last night and when I went to power it on in the morning it said "Reboot and Select your proper Boot device and press a key" I tried to set up my ssd for the Boot Device but it doesn appear in the Boot Menu.
Maybe cable came a bit loose. Check and make sure that the SATA cable and power cable are connected to the SSD and the MB firmly. SSD's don't usually just die out of the blue. More likely it's a cable issue. If that doesn't work, try a different SSD cable or power.

I was reading up a bit and it said that windows was doing something and it might have lost power too quickly.
Then you read wrong. If it doesn't show in the boot menu, then it's not detecting it. That has nothing to do with Windows. BIOS loads before windows, BIOS detects boot devices, no boot device means it's not seen in the BIOS. Either SSD died, or cable came loose or died. Not Windows related.

So I did what you said and it didn't work it still gave me the same message when I turned it back on

I did what you said but it still doesn't work. However it now detects my hard drive but not my ssd, does this mean that the ssd broke and I have to buy a new one with the os?

Since the SATA and power cables work to the HDD, I would now unplug that and plug the SSD into those cables.
You know definitively those cables are operational, so if you still cannot detect the SSD after doing that, as rare as it is, it does sound like your SSD is damaged in some way

It didn't work, I guess I have to buy a new ssd


Just to confirm 100%, the SSD is not showing in your boot priority list? Make sure it's priority 1 if somehow it is showing, but it sounds like it;s not.

You could try resetting CMOS before you buy a new SSD, it has been known to fix the issue.
Without knowing your exact board, I cant really direct you where, but near your CMOS battery, there will be a reset jumper which you'll need to touch both pins with a scewdriver (or similar) for a few seconds to reset.

I have an asrock z97 anniversary edition

I asked my dad if he used the computer and he said that he hit shut down but it everything turned off but the computer so he hit the button on the pc tower while it was shutting down. Would this be a factor in the ssd not working and is there a fix for this or will I end up buying an ssd and the os in the end?

Did you reset your CMOS as I suggested?

I reset the CMOS but it still doesn't detect the ssd but it detects the hard drive