If that doesnt work, raw Imgur link
Ryzen 1600
Asus rock pro4 ab350
G.skill ripjaw v 16gb 3600mhz
850 watt gold psu fully modular
Gtx 970ssc ATX 2.0 or what ever.
1: The owners manual is rather crap and doesnt go into enough detail. Read it over three times.
2: It's been plugged in.
3: Yes
4-9: Just testing CPU. I want to get at least some power and some beeps before I even try anything further.
10: Yes. There is no indicator on my chipset, however, I lined up ryzen with ryzen, and have it facing so the inners connect with the inners, there's two small slots where there are things on the chipset the cpu sits against.
11-16: Basically all yes or all no. What ever means I did it and it's brand new.
17: yes, no sounds, no constant beeps nothing
If that doesnt work, raw Imgur link
Ryzen 1600
Asus rock pro4 ab350
G.skill ripjaw v 16gb 3600mhz
850 watt gold psu fully modular
Gtx 970ssc ATX 2.0 or what ever.
1: The owners manual is rather crap and doesnt go into enough detail. Read it over three times.
2: It's been plugged in.
3: Yes
4-9: Just testing CPU. I want to get at least some power and some beeps before I even try anything further.
10: Yes. There is no indicator on my chipset, however, I lined up ryzen with ryzen, and have it facing so the inners connect with the inners, there's two small slots where there are things on the chipset the cpu sits against.
11-16: Basically all yes or all no. What ever means I did it and it's brand new.
17: yes, no sounds, no constant beeps nothing