Computer won't shut down completely


Dec 24, 2017
Recently, out of the blue, my computer started to refuse to fully shut down. After shutting down the computer via the start menu, it will disconnect the screen as normal but keep the CPU fan on (perhaps other fans as well), as well as other internal LEDs. One such LED that seems to stay on, but will sometimes turn off briefly, is the CPU LED (supposedly telling me there's an issue with my processor).

I can kill the computer by flipping the PSU switch or pulling it's cord, but when I plug it back in, it automatically brings the computer back into this "coma" mode. I can boot the computer up from it's coma mode by using the front power button, but never power down by holding the button.

I have not had a BSOD any time recently, nor any sort of electricity surges.
My computer runs as normal when I boot it up.

So far, I have tried:
• BIOS battery reseating
• BIOS update
• Turning off the fastboot option
• Reseating the RAM and CPU
• Booting without the CPU (which it still auto-booted when plugged back into the electricity)
• Booting without power to the mobo (again, showed signs of auto-booting, such as fan LEDs being lit, which only happens when the computer is booted up)

My investigations would lead me to believe that it's a problem with the PSU. Any ideas?

Isn't that what sleep mode is for? In any case, I always shut down the computer, and not put it to sleep. Additionally, I haven't kept any phones or devices connected since this problem started.