Computer wont turn on? New Build


Aug 7, 2016
New computer build won't turn on. It has turned on before, and now it refuses.

I built this computer for my friend, and I tested it several times here. Works great. Windows installed, I invited him over and we played some games together. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. He says bye, takes the computer home, tries to turn it on, and it won't boot. No fan movement, no lights, no nothing. I've tried everything I can think of over phone:

Check if the outlet was working
New outlet
New power supply cable
Try a power strip
Toggle the switch on the back of the power supply
Check the power pins on the motherboard
Unplug the power pins and short them with a screwdriver
Uninstall/Reinstall CMOS battery
Check motherboard power cable

My only other thought is the brand new, Corsair CXM 550W power supply, which was working perfectly at my own home, has fried. When he took the computer from my house, I made sure the computer was shut down properly and turned off before removing the cable from the wall.

I simply can't believe that a new power supply, which was just working fine 30 minutes earlier, failed? I'm completely out of ideas - if you guys are too, I guess I'll have to spring for a new one.
Thanks for any help.

He moved the computer, could have been bumped around. Did you re-seat all the connections? If there is nothing at all happening, the power supply is likely the issue, or some connection, possibly the motherboard.

I checked every connection I thought necessary. Power LED and Switch, motherboard power..... I agree, I guess the power supply simply died 🙁

Edit: I'll give it a day or two to see if anyone else replies to this thread with more ideas, but after that, I'll go install a new one