wsoblikeaboss :
My thing is, its been working fine for over a year, I start having these problems, go to restart it, and it won't start back up. So why it woulda came loose the EXACT second I restarted my computer, is why I don't think its a loose wire. If you get what I'm saying.
It does sound coincidental.
I mean, I'm not ruling out the possibility of a virus, but it's very - very rare that one would be deliberately designed to brick the persons computer. Especially considering you ran it fine for several days after.
If we assume that it is a virus, then there's not much else I can suggest - They all tend to do different things.
Inserting a Windows disc would override the boot into the existing OS, allowing you to clean stuff up, but as you said it doesn't even turn on let alone get past the BIOS screen.
You could try the USB method, can't imagine it would change much but it's worth a shot.
To do this, Google search (on a different computer, obviously) 'Windows 7 ISOs'.
One of the first links should be from a forum called something like EightForum, or something like that - It changes with each new Windows release. This page will list the specific ISO versions for your license - All clean and official through Microsoft's Digital River portal.
Then grab a program called WintoBOOTic to place the image file on the stick, from there it will act just like a disc.
Can't really think of much else tbh, aside from just checking everything is ok internally.
Perhaps a component decided now was the time for it to pop off - Without external testing there's no way to be entirely sure.
If it was me, I'd be buying a fairly-cheap but still decent power supply from somewhere, with the strict intention of returning it soon after. I'd then hook that up to the machine instead of the existing one and attempt it from there. My finger points to either the PSU or the HDD, in that order. But even that's a long shot.