Concerned about CPU

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Jan 4, 2018
So i have a i7-920,12gb ddr3 ram, gtx 1060 6gb and i was wondering if my rig is bad for vr. SteamVR test says im well above vr ready and VRMark gives me a passable grade with 120 fps avr. but the vive test says no so im worried that ill buy it and than have to upgrade in the future. And if it can run vr which games can it run since i know it wont run everything.

The VIVE can cook a gpu pretty well. I used to run 2x air cooled XFX R9 390's and although VR doesn't support xfire it would warm up my room quite a bit. You should be able to run average games at a decent FPS, like Sakkura said, but anything with AA and Post processing and you'll be losing your lunch because of the frame drops.

QuiVr, Project Cars and Hot dogs...
Question from blaznovak35 : "Can my i7-920 run vr?"


The VIVE can cook a gpu pretty well. I used to run 2x air cooled XFX R9 390's and although VR doesn't support xfire it would warm up my room quite a bit. You should be able to run average games at a decent FPS, like Sakkura said, but anything with AA and Post processing and you'll be losing your lunch because of the frame drops.

QuiVr, Project Cars and Hot dogs Horseshoes and Handgranades(H3) are a few demanding VR games
Out of Ammo, Windlands, Holopoint and Climbey are the easier VR games to run.

For instance: If you are running H3 (a gun simulator) and the brass is flying - Your card will warm up fast. There are settings in game to tame it down a bit also to 'clean up' the scenario. But when you are shredding rounds you forget to do these things.
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