Hey! looking to buy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236313
Was reading somewhere (must have been an old thread an I didn't realize) that hdmi cannot support past 120 Hz but Displayport can. So went out to buy one bc I wasn't going to buy a 144Hz monitor and play at 60. Fortunately, before I bought said cable I best buy employee told me that hdmi can support up to 600 Hz, and told me that Displayport is just something Apple invented bc they're, well Apple, and rejected the universal hdmi. My questions to you guys are:
Is he right?
if hes right, then wtf?
will I be able to play on this monitor at 144Hz (my hardware should be fine to keep up) with an HDMI cable?
Given a 60Hz monitor: Someone explained refresh rate to me as, not affecting fps b/c is only refreshes the screen 60 times. your gpu still puts out 120 images. Question is, where do those other 60 images go? and how is that NOT putting a 'cap' on your fps. sounds to me you're only able to play a game X fps if your monitor is X Hz, yes?
sorry for the essay, but i do appreciate the answers.
Was reading somewhere (must have been an old thread an I didn't realize) that hdmi cannot support past 120 Hz but Displayport can. So went out to buy one bc I wasn't going to buy a 144Hz monitor and play at 60. Fortunately, before I bought said cable I best buy employee told me that hdmi can support up to 600 Hz, and told me that Displayport is just something Apple invented bc they're, well Apple, and rejected the universal hdmi. My questions to you guys are:
Is he right?
if hes right, then wtf?
will I be able to play on this monitor at 144Hz (my hardware should be fine to keep up) with an HDMI cable?
Given a 60Hz monitor: Someone explained refresh rate to me as, not affecting fps b/c is only refreshes the screen 60 times. your gpu still puts out 120 images. Question is, where do those other 60 images go? and how is that NOT putting a 'cap' on your fps. sounds to me you're only able to play a game X fps if your monitor is X Hz, yes?
sorry for the essay, but i do appreciate the answers.