Confused About Undervolting Value

Sep 28, 2018
Hello. Greetings to the gurus

My question might be easy to answer but since im non techie guy & just barely started to tweak here n there with my brand new Acer E5 476g MX150 i5 8250u, the noobness is understandable

Straight to the point:
Are we suppossed to just find the max point -volt value be4 the laptop crash and then adding + 5-10 points for stability, OR should we also try to find the right balance closest to the max boosted core frequency?

—bcs even with the default volt setting, my laptop core freq couldnt even be staying max @3.38 (3.40)

Thank you in advance, gurus

heat dissipation is terrible for most laptops, you're doing yourself a disfavor by shortening its lifespan.