Confused... Help choosing please...


Oct 23, 2015
First, I have to apologize for the bad english you are going to read :Z

Well, I have a 1000€ ~ budget for a GPU right now. I live in Spain and here the 2080TIs are out of stock everywhere...
Well I have decided to go for a 2080, but Im not sure yet... I want realistic opinions on which GPU should I buy in terms of future and performance...

Anyways I am looking for objetive opinions, not opinions like "OMG WASTE OF MONEY, YOU STUPID, GO FOR 1080TI". As I said im building a PC for future games, and present games, for playing on 144HZ 1080p monitor without having any trouble on it, or on future adquisitions.
You should ask yourself if you really need 2080ti.
Future is in the future. And in the future you will find 3080ti and 4080ti.......
The question is why do you need 2080ti right now for?
Honestly im using 970evga and im happy with it.
No issues on the graphic part with the games i play : DbD , Odyssey and etc...
The way i think saved me lots of money :)
For a 1080p 144Hz monitor the 2080ti is overkill mate. I have a 2080 on my 3440x1440 120Hz monitor and can play every game on the market at Extreme and solid FPS.

A 1080 is going to be more that enough for years to come on that monitor or even a 1070ti would get the job done on today's games with that monitor.

Unless you plan on upgrading the monitor anytime soon bud the strongest GPU you would need would be a 2070 only because you want DLSS and Ray Tracing (if and when it ever comes out) :) Otherwise a 1070ti or 1080 will be plenty mate.

rtx 2080 is not good in your case, i reccommend you to go with the 1080Ti for 144Hz 1080p
I will repeat what others have said.
As nice as it is to have the best of the best, but you don't have the monitor to support that power.

It comes down to you spending more money on a better monitor at least 1440p and then the 2080 would make more sense. As it is, 1080p you can max out with a 1070ti. Although you do have some money to spend, maybe better to buy a monitor first and then a 1080ti. I think with your budget it would be capable. The 1080ti is going to be around a long time, at least 2 more years before it suffers. This next gen 20 isn't much of an improvement right now.