I saw graphic card reviews and I saw some people saying that GTX 650, HD 6670, etc range cards can play Battlefield 3, COD MW3 at ultra setting.. Is that true? Or really GTX 660, HD 7850, etc range cards beat the R9 270x?
Depends, if you are satisfied with 30-40 frames per second then lower cards are fine. However if you want 60+ constant then higher end cards are required. Some say that 25fps is playable.
Depends, if you are satisfied with 30-40 frames per second then lower cards are fine. However if you want 60+ constant then higher end cards are required. Some say that 25fps is playable.
COD MW3 runs on literally anything. My old GTX 650Ti could run it on ultra with no stuttering whatsoever (not sure about the fps, probably over 45).
BF3 is a lot heavier and I wouldn't even dream of running it on ultra with anything less than my current card. Unless you like having a kill/death ratio of 0/infinity caused by constant fps drops when someone shoots at you.