Hi guys i want to ask something ...My current rig is amd -fx 6300 black edition cpu,1tb hdd, gigabyte 970-3dsp mother board, 4gb*2 simmtronics (1333mhz) ram, iball 500 watt smps and an nvidia ge force 210 gpu..and my issue is after spending all my savings still I'm not able to play high end games like GTA 4, NFS Rivals, Sleeping Dogs and several other games on it..as i'm a VFX artist i also need 3ds max, maya, adobe photoshop, aftereffects, premiere installed on it on the same time. Please tell me what is wrong ...is it the configuration or the number of programs installed is high. Kindly tell me the solution as what should i update in my pc to play these kind of high end games..thanks.