Congress Questions Larry Page Over Google Glass

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I actually hope google gives them a good and honest answer -_-
to give them a bs answer would put google in deep shit with the gov and theyd be pissing over their consumers. regardless yours ideals on the government are, youd have to accept that some of these questions mentioned in the article are of consumer interest. I guarantee the grand majority of googles consumers would not like google lying about their privacy protection methods.
Im curious to know the answers google has to some of these questions.
Privacy concern's, total bs, more like congress want's access to the technology because the garbage they have been pushing for years still doesn't work right.
The questions and answers are pretty irrelevant. If google testifies they wont intrude on your privacy there is no guarantee the next 10 corps that produce a competing product will go the same way, and there is no guarantee google wont change their mind in 6 months.
Congress decides to forget their job of overseeing federal agencies that routinely peruse private information on a far massive scale (sometimes with lackadaisical, or non-existent privacy concern protections), and decide to focus on the sensational consumer wireless-computer-camera-on-an-eye-frame.
I think congress needs to keep out of the business of technology. They should bigger concerns than trying to portray themselves as diligent protectors of our civil liberties. Google already has so much information on each user that if they had wanted to do something nefarious they would have been able to ten times over. Congress is just jealous they don't have the technology in their pocket or that Google isn't bribing them into looking the other way.
Wow congress sure has some balls saying "they're concerned with the privacy of the average american" With all of these recent bills in regards to internet privacy, drones authorized for use in "counter domestic terrorism" surveillance in US skies, cameras on most ever street corner, government vehicle and government building... We live in a day and age where believe it or not big government can see and monitor every single little thing you do both online and off. And they're concerned with google, what a joke lol.
I have the same questions for Google..... I'm all for technological advancement...but Google's interest is solely in monetizing our lives by any means... Anyone that trusts Google more than the US Gov't, is extremely naïve. Neither group has any interest in protecting your privacy as they see your privacy as a threat to their own existence.

I don't anybody has proven that glass is actually doing any video monitoring without knowledge.

You really are naïve.... It would be quite easy for a Google Glass user to do video monitoring without your knowledge...or consent.... THIS is the privacy concern. The simple fact that Google Glass users, as well as Google themselves, could use the device to record everything that goes on around them without consent of those around them...or without their knowledge. If you really think this can't or won't's time for a reality check. Google profits quite heavily from data mining. They're really no better than the groups/companies producing spyware and adware....or the US Gov't for that matter...

Secret recording by google would be possible to discover by watching the network packets. But yes Google is a big data miner.

Users recording is different from what I am talking about.
It isn't unrealistic to expect the Government to try and protect it's citizens, forget it being Google for a moment, it is a private company that has a track record of illegal data capture for the purpose of monetization. Last time I checked Government drones or CCTV didn't take your pictures so they could send you targetted advertising.
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