Oldmangamer_73 :
I know, and I admitted it Mr. perfect monkey.
So how did we get here? Because you don't like the truth of the matter so you just run in circles trying to distract everyone? Defend business just to defend business like a good little Republicanite? If I'm the ignorant one, then you are the joker pulling on everyone leg that can't possibly believe that a lobbying group has the populace in it's first interest. See, again, you are calling names and now that I retort back you are going to complain that I'm such an offensive liberal. Your whole denial of facts is offensive.
I think it's funny you make excuses for companies and attempt to put all responsibility for a person's intake on consumer or in this case an underage student. What ever happened to companies creating good products just to create good products (like Aunt Annie's organics, or Chipotle's food standards)? There are many companies who've moved away from hormones, antibiotics, artificial additives and HFCS, why exactly we would want to set the bar lower for these people by making Tomato paste an actual vegetable? They already have a lower standard to count it as such, which is misleading, so why exactly should I not think business lobbies are evil when their sole function is to bribe congressmen until the standards for them is lower than everyone else?
jsc :
And OMG's point was that back in the old days, back when the World was young and snakes walked the Earth, school diet was a local, not Federal, issue. And what the AFFI wanted would not matter.
Yeah, that wasn't his point, his first remark was questioning the business lobby before even reading the article and it was clear as day in there. Then he decided to chime in about "how the good ol' days" were.
The reality of the matter is I agree with the PTA comment and that this should be regulated (financially) on the state level, not the federal level. Irony considering that I was attacked immediately because of the first comment when this displays perfectly how out of touch the DeptEd is and how they are tainted by industry money.
Oldmangamer_73 :
Her teachers were always envious and even told me so. It's called personal responsibility. And I am not responsible for making sure someone else's kids are fed well. I reject this "it takes a village" crap. You like Darwinism? Well there ya go. Survival of the fittest, or in this case, the smartest.
Envious that your kid made their own lunch? LOL I did it for years, not sure wtf that has to do with the quality of food being served in the cafeteria. Unlike your pure reliance on capitalism there is no real compeition here being created from the persons consuming that food, because it was purchased by the school and served with little other choices.
Oldmangamer_73 :
Still, your, and Lockdown's thinking that anything to do with business or industry is inherintly evil or bad is convoluted. That's what I was battling, this mindset. Why is everything government does as clean as the wind driven snow and everthing business or corporations do is automatically bad?
Why don't you just admit who you are and proudly proclaim that you hate American capitalism and want to see it destroyed and replaced with your idea of some sort of utopian collectivism?
You are absolutely hilarious. Keep attempting to put words, thoughts and ideas in other people's mouths. I don't want a nanny state as much as the next guy, but food standards shouldn't be driven by profit, they should be driven by science and all the study's available show most of the additive crap has direct effects on children's behavior, especially HFCS, the dies and colors added (including yellow5 and especially red40), and the artificial preservatives and other additives/taste enhancers (like MSG, which is a
neurotoxin, read; causes brain damage). It's a what you put in is what you get out scenario.
BTW, a "lobby's" sole function is to positively influence politicians, even when the company is inherently subversive and when it undermines the health and well being of the populace; i.e. Monsanto.
Wanamingo, I made a comment about the business lobby in the article and like any lobby, their function is to attempt to bribe congressmen for less regulations. It directly pertains to the subject matter. Oldmangamer just likes to defend any type of pro-business mentality, and thus we are left when anyone makes an obvious comment, his red-flag-waving comes out in full force because we are just uninformed liberals.
Sorry for the long reply, everytime that oldman opened his mouth it was like raining rhetorical garbage and when it comes to food and health, I just can't accept the status quo as OK.
I named two corporations in my reply here; Aunt Annie's Organics and Chipotle. If I'm such an anti-capitalist, why would I list them and be part of Chipotle's Farm Team (which is a company evangelist)?
Nim Chimpsky :
Who I am? Ok, you got me, I'm a member of a secret society that hates oldmengamers and their freedom.
Where do I sign up for this fictitious Illuminati?