Connect NAS to PC

Nov 26, 2016
I'm a truck driver. I have a pair of old DROBO FS units and a new yoga 720. I want to take one of the Drobos on the road - basically install it in my truck.

But I don't know how to access it. I don't get internet service in many places. How do I set this up so I can access data in the truck drobo from my yoga 720?

Can I run an ethernet cable between the two? Do I need a router? If I need a router, do I also need internet connectivity?

Please help. Thanks!
A wireless router would be the simplest way. It will handle the DHCP dutiles for your Yoga and convert ethernet to WIFI. No internet is required.
Ok I think I have an old router sitting around. Let me ask about bottlenecking. Am I going to get faster speed connecting drobo to router ans router to yoga via ethernet cables? Or is the hd speed (say wd black) slow enough where a wireless connection offers same speed as ethernet cable?