Connected dual Dell monitors & experiencing multiple side effects (Dell P2415q is the problem-AMD Radeon 7700 graphics)


Aug 24, 2010
Hi. Multiple issues here:

1. I have a Dell P2415Q that works perfectly when connected to the display port (single monitor).

2. However, when I connect my 2nd monitor (Dell U2715H) via the HDMI port, the computer ceases to recognize the P2415Q and it thus turns off and everything moves to the U2715H.

Ideally, I will be able to connect the P2415Q via the DP and the U2715H via the HDMI and have it all work fine. BTW -- it was working fine that way for a few days, until it suddenly stopped for no apparent reason!


If I switch the cables and connect the U2715H on the display port, then it works fine. However, the p2415q connected to the HDMI port works very "slowly." The best way I can explain it is to say that, it does not run smoothly compared to the U2715H. Things "drag." Screens flicker. Skype video all of the sudden is glitch-ridden and does not really work. Video will play but not well, and overall it's painful to use because of how slow the monitor is working.

I have tried downloading new drivers via the control panel; downloading the AMD Radeon auto-detect program and letting that works its magic.

Note that I have an HP desktop with an AMD Radeon 7700 graphics card. And that I usually downscale the P2515Q to match the pixels on the larger screen (so from 4k to 2560x1440).


I wish I could tell you for sure. IS there an easy and clear-cut way to detect that?

I can tell you this: I'm using the ports on the back of the desktop. They are right next one another (along with a DVI port not being used) and they look like they are part of the same card. So I'm assuming they are both going to the 7700.

I wish I could tell you for sure. IS there an easy and clear-cut way to detect that?

I can tell you this: I'm using the ports on the back of the desktop. They are right next one another (along with a DVI port not being used) and they look like they are part of the same card. So I'm assuming they are both going to the 7700.
The 2nd link did not work. But it looks like both monitors are going directly into my7700. 1 of them into the DP slot on the left, and the other into the HDMI slot directly to the right of that.

Note that my 7700 does not exactly like the picture on the website. It must be a slightly older version?
Instead of the 2 Mdp slots on the left side that you see on the website's photo of the 7700.....MY 7700 only has 1 DP; 1 HDMI; and 1 DVI.

My 7770 does not have the 2 small connections on the far left. It only has 1 DP output (left); 1 HDMI output (middle); and 1 DVI output (right).

I'm able to connect one monitor from the DP output on my 7770 to the Mdp input on the monitor.
I connect the other monitor from the HDMI output on the 7770 to the HDMI input on the monitor.

Make sense?


If you can access that webpage, you can see what my 7770 looks like (focus on the 3rd photo in from the right-hand side that shows only 3 ports - 1 dp; 1 hdmi and 1 dvi).

There are no DVI inputs on these new Dell monitors.

I would need to get an adapter (like a DVI-to-DP/Mdp/HDMI converter)

I can do that -- but isn't it best in general to use the display port??

Makes sense, fair enough.

I'll try to get a connector or two and try out the different ports. Although I'd still like to get these working correctly (e.g. one in the DP and the other in the HDMI). If the graphics card or the minotrs are causing the problem, both are under warranty. I just have to pinpoint the issue.

They were working fine for a few days though....


Thanks for the input. If you have further idea....shoot away. Thanks!