[SOLVED] Connected second SSD

Nov 14, 2018
Im trying to connect a second SSD to my computer. I already have an M.2 SSD connected and i ma trying to connect a regular sandisk 1TB SSD plus. When i go into bios and disk management my second SSD doesnt show up. My SSD is connected to the sata 1 port on my motherboard and another cable connected to my power supply. Is there a certain port in the power supply that i must connect to or is any alright?

https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0038T0V8Q/?tag=pcp0f-20 (power supply)
Any SATA power cable that comes from the PSU should be alright.

What I would do is....try a different SATA data cable....a different SATA port....and a different power cable coming off the PSU.
SATA 1 port is likely disabled because you installed an M.2 SSD, try a higher numbered SATA port. Check your motherboard manual for exclusions after that.

As long as you have a cable powering the drive and one for data you should see it in the BIOS.

You need to look in the user manual to see what conflicts there are with SATA ports.