Connecting 2 modems for two separate downloads???


Apr 25, 2013
How can i connect 2 modems for 2 separate downloads?.. Also. is there any way by which i can use two modems simultaneously to increase speed.... PLEASE HELP
You could put in 2 routers and put them on different gateway addresses ie and Then in your PC you would send the default traffic to say and then manually put in routes to some addresses to Very tedious effort. They do make dual wan routers that to some small extent can automate this but it still does not really load balance very well.

The second question is basically no you cannot increase the speed of a single download using 2 internet connection. Although there are vpn services that claim to do this they do not work very well.

Routers?????????? I only have 2 USB modems......

Then it is somewhat simpler since you have them both on your PC. Same concept you remove one of the default routes and manually configure the addresss you want to go the other way.

The key is the ROUTE command
How can I put them on different gateway addresses. Can you tell me the procedure?.............PLEASE

You don't need to you said you have 2 USB modems that are directly plugged into your PC so that part is already done for you.

The procedure is to use the ROUTER ADD command and select which sites you want to go to which modem. It is not hard but you must understand IP addresses and subnets to get this to work. You will just need to play with the route command until you figure it out.

I have 2 dial up phone modems.....
Okay, that is totally different and isn't supported anymore (dial up). The old dialups did prevent two dialups unless you paid a special account price, your not allowed to do that. Why are you using dialup at all? There is wireless free at any Library, Starbuck, even McD., not to mention even satellite connection for very rural areas too (can you see the Southern Hemisphere).