Connecting front panel cabel to motherboard (unlabeled connectors)

Aug 15, 2018
Okay, second attempt trying to post this question.

Bought Asus H81M-Plus motherboard to replace old Dell one. Most things connect, but front panel won't

See here and here.

Note that the front panel connector expects 11 pins, but the socket only seems to have 9. The connector block can't be separated out (the wires are colour coded, but unlabeled and don't seem to be designed to be separated). However, two of the slots on the connector don't seem to be connected to anything. I'm tempted to take a tool to the connector and cut off the end of it!

Some help would be appreciated!

Update: HERE is a better picture of the cable I'm trying to connect. I am pretty certain I have correctly identified this as the front panel connector.
Aug 15, 2018

To be honest I'm not certain because they're not labelled in any way. I can't see anything else that might be the front panel connectors though. Looking to where the wires lead is ambiguous. They seem to be connected to the front panel, but the microphone and headphone jack are in that location too :/