Connecting IP Cameras to Access Point


Jan 25, 2012
Hi all. New here.
I hope to be clear to you guys.
I have two locations separated by less than 300 meters. In each zone I have an Access Point and in only one zone (let's call it Zone B), I have two IP Cameras.
The idea is to connect these two cameras to my AP located at Zone B, and then, send this signal to my other AP to get this cameras in a LCD... First of all, I want to know in which mode should the APs be connected, I mean, in which "Operation Mode". I have three options:

-AP Client Router
-AP Router

And if I choose AP mode:

+ Access Point
+ Client
+ WDS Bridge
+ Repeater

Hope you can help me guys, I've been trying for two long days haha.

PD: The APs Model: TL-WA5210G
How are they attached to the network, do you have them both attached with a CAT5e cable, or are you connecting to them with a wireless signal?

If they are attached to the router with a run of cable, then they are really APs and can work in Access Point mode.

It really all depends on how each is going to be attached to the network, and I would assume that the network already has a router with DHCP server functions??
Did you ever get an answer to this situation? This is my problem exactly and would like to know how to proceed. My zone A is in a home connected to our internet service by wireless router. Zone B is in a pole barn and would like to connect wirelessly to zone A.
Welcome to the forums.

It's usually best to post your own question, as old posts with others asking questions often get lost.

But, let's figure yours out. You will need to provide some more information to get a workable solution. There are a number of possibilities, depending on distance, building specifics, and terrain. I will assume that Zone A works fine, so no changes needed there. Does the router in the house have a free LAN port?

How far is it to the pole barn, does it have metal walls and any windows? Any chance that you can (and actually want to) run a line out to the building? The two real options are running a CAT5e cable out if it is within 100m, or using a pair of directional antennae to send from the house a 2.4GHz signal directed at a receiver at the pole barn and then distributing that signal at the polebarn.

Do you have power in the polebarn? Is the polebarn in line of sight from the house? And how many devices do you expect to connect and how much bandwidth do you need in the polebarn? (surfing the Internet or checking email is a whole different story than distributing full HD BluRay video, for example).