Connecting to phone without Bluetooth?


Jul 28, 2012
Hey guys,

Ive just been wondering if there is anyway to connect to a users phone to activate an app without the use of WiFi, Bluetooth or Ftp. I'm really looking for an alternative to Bluetooth as not everyone has it on 24/7 due to battery consumption. I'm not very good at this section of I.T and have been wondering if there is any device or transmitters that can do this.

Thanks In Advance,
For a smartphone app, if they dont have wifi on, then they will have data on and thus have internet connectivity.

It would help if you told me what this app is for, its a little difficult talking in general for a specific thing.
So you want to wirelessly connect to a phone, without using any wireless connections?

What are you doing to need to access the phone without having the phone in front of you to turn the bluetooth or wifi adapter on? You will get no help here on how to access a device without the users consent.
To the first question basically I want to know if there are any other ways of connecting than of that mentioned. Its a matter of convenience really and I was hoping that having the app and the device or method in sync so the user would have fully consented to its connectivity.