[SOLVED] Connecting two devices to the internet

Jan 24, 2019
Hello, I have an issue and I am not very tech savvy, so I appreciate your support!
I an internet modem with an ethernet cable running across the room that connects to my PC.
I have another device I need to connect to the internet via ethernet cable (does not have wifi capability), but I cannot run another cable from across the room for it. Is there something I can use with the ethernet port on the PC to allow both my computer and the second device connection?
Thank you!
Then all you will need is a dumb switch. Modem/router----Ethernet cable----------4 Port switch----Ethernet cable---PC1
|-----Ethernet cable---PC2

You would then have spare ports on the Modem/router and a spare port on the 4 Port switch.
Is your modem a router/modem combo or just a modem. If it is indeed a router you can just buy a cheap 4 port switch and plug it into the end of the cable at the PC end then run cables from two of the other ports on the switch to each device. Please supply the make and model of your "modem".