Build Advice Considerations for video streaming computer not game streaming


Jan 4, 2013
I've got a request to build a video streaming PC. They're not going to be video gaming, but more like a video podcast type rig. I'm pretty sure the system requirements won't be as high as a video gaming streaming rig. Problem is I'm not sure if there are any specific considerations I need to take in to account. They plan on having a 4 cam setup with 2 mics and plan to simultaneously record and live stream. They're looking for a budget build.

Just looking for spec advice and/or suggested builds.
Thanks in advance.
Please stylize your thread or a follow up post with information asked of in this thread. As for the build, overall, it might not demand as much as a gaming system but you will need to detail the camera's and how you intend to hook them up to the system, via USB? Capture cards? What platform will you folks be streaming to for your podcast? Mic's would probably be included in your budget for the build, correct or are we looking at the rig itself?