Hi everyone this is a bit more towards gaming pheriprials.
I want to know what the forum thinks on these comparisons hard to find online. really hard
Razer Mamba 4g 2012-6400dpi vs a G700 at 5700 DPI
Razer Black Widow (Stealth)(new version) vs Logitech G510
Please let me know what yall think
Any ideas of how much the new 7.1 Tiamats will be by razer?
I want to know what the forum thinks on these comparisons hard to find online. really hard
Razer Mamba 4g 2012-6400dpi vs a G700 at 5700 DPI
Razer Black Widow (Stealth)(new version) vs Logitech G510
Please let me know what yall think
Any ideas of how much the new 7.1 Tiamats will be by razer?