Considering a switch in gear


Mar 8, 2011
Hi everyone this is a bit more towards gaming pheriprials.

I want to know what the forum thinks on these comparisons hard to find online. really hard

Razer Mamba 4g 2012-6400dpi vs a G700 at 5700 DPI

Razer Black Widow (Stealth)(new version) vs Logitech G510

Please let me know what yall think

Any ideas of how much the new 7.1 Tiamats will be by razer?
DPI doesnt really matter as long as it goes about 1500 or so (depending on user). I personally think razer products are crap, but lets leave that opinion aside. The best advice I can give is that you try to get your hands on these items before buying.

if i had to recommend a set without any additional information, it would be the Logitech G9x and sidewinder x4 keyboard.
See the thing about the imperator is that it looks just like the G500 ...40$ on newegg Id say nothing comes close to the mamba I just wish I had a local store that can let me sample it
I do have to say the mechanical keyboards felt good typing really nice!

Just not sure cause I can get the stealth for 140 (no discount) vs the regular blackwidow ult at 100$

yeah thats why to me DPI matters a lot
Ah okay cause mainly right now first thigns first for me is the keyboard
The logitech keyboard has got like some sort of jam on main keys w,e,a,s,d

Blackwidow stealth or g510?

Something also came up in mind. Which would you pros think would be better?
tiamat 2.2 ,tiamat 7.1, g930?