Question Consistently late packets when gaming ?

Mar 7, 2025
Ive been driven insane trying to this out, consistently late packets, tried wifi and wired, updated every driver plausible as far as i know, even tried it on my phone, and it's late no matter what.


I don't notice any problems with surfing the web or watching videos, just when im gaming.
As far as internetspeeds its 950 download and 220 upload (fiber)
I have an Asus-AX53U, and i live in an apartment block, if that has anything to do with it.
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Partially this is you using some tool that shows some issue and you automatically blame that as the cause of your game issues.

This is almost silly to say a packet that is 60ms rather than 40ms is late and it will affect your game. Change the acceptable delay to 200ms and you will likely get zero late packets.
Your actually jitter which is the key factor in smooth gameplay is extremely good. Modern games are smart enough to determine how long it takes for the data to get between the server and your pc and they will predict how the game will look on the server when your pc receives the data. They will send data with that predicted state in mind.

Since it is only a guess if your average latency to the server is say 200ms it will do a very poor job. Your average is 40ms.

The last test results show major packet loss. This for sure will cause issues in the game. Make sure you are always running on ethernet. Wifi is subject to interference from your neighbors.

Hard to say leave a constant ping run to in the background while you play the game. See if you are getting packet loss when the game has issues. If you are not seeing loss then the problem could be other settings in the game. Shooter games tell massive lies. They will claim the ping times are bad but what is happening is the game get stuck say in a video render routine and when it is finally done it goes to get its ping data. It blames all this extra time on the network even though the data was sitting there all the time waiting to be read.

You must be very careful when you are using tools and even the ingame numbers to be sure they actually mean something.
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Do a traceroute to the server. You've probably got 20 hops to reach it, any of which could occasionally have slightly higher delays. The only ones you can even consider doing anything about are the ones from your PC to your router, and the router to your ISP, both of which are probably sub-1ms.

ICMP (ping) is also considered the LOWEST priority protocol by most networks, and ISPs along that path configure their equipment to drop them if there is too much load, and only pass them along when all other packets in an interval have been processed within what they consider acceptable time, which inherently adds latency and packet loss when you ping. (12.6% is still pretty high but you don't know which hop is the one dropping them. Traceroute may help show that.) Only producing and monitoring normal data packets emulating those from the game which the server will respond to every time can create a true test of the connection to the server, but those add latency as well because it has to go all the way up to the application layer rather than being processed by the network layer.