Hi. Can you tell me please what is the difference between console and pc technology that makes pc users:
-upgrade their PCs more often to keep running latest games;
-buy more expensive hardware;
-need more computing power??
sounds like a homework assignment :lol: but i'll bite.
-upgrade their PCs more often to keep running latest games
computer games advance in technology (and get more demanding requirements) at a faster rate than console since consoles are not upgradeable and the only changes are made when a new one emerges in terms of demands other than what can be accomplished by just optimization. likewise pc gamers tend to get used to good framerates and graphics quality so want to keep getting those quality settings hence upgrades are needed to keep up with the latest games. this is not always the case of course.
-buy more expensive hardware;
generally many gaming systems are just a bit more expensive to build on the pc platform however they are also more powerful then console as well. for perhaps $100-200 more than a console you can build a pc which gets solid medium to high settings on pc games at 60fps. this equates to far better performance than console which often runs at 720p and less than 60fps. many people however spend about double what a console is worth and run on maximum settings which really put consoles to shame. keep in mind that a pc is not just a gaming machine and has many more uses than a console.
-need more computing power??
games on pc are more demanding since most users run at 1080p+ and close to 60fps. if users ran at 720p and less fps the pc hardware needed would be less. also a pc has more uses than a console which may make use of the power.
Thank you for the answer. Yeah, i had the information but i never pieced it together. To put it simple, you pay more and you get more. Thank you again 😀