the simple fact is that a ps3 or (insert other console here) or dvd/br player is better for phsycial media. computers do not come with propper software like they should and even programs like powerdvd leave much to be desired.
--> There is no shortage of
good Media Players for the PC. You can use anyone of the good ones.
--> Computers don't come with software because every software can be downloaded for it from the Internet.
--> POwerDVD is a crap, but there are a lot good softwares out there. You just need to pick the right one.
--> Also having one good powerful device is better than having two seperate device.
this depends on if you count the pc against all consoles made or just the new consoles. it also depends on if you count emulators (which are illegal by the way) to replace those old console. in a straight pc to ps3/ps4/xb360/xbo then you are correct.
--> A person owns only a single console or two at most, so they have access to only one console. Hence complete games on consoles are not comparable to the PC as if a guy owns only a PS4, then he has access to the games of PS4 only, nothing more nothing less.
--> But with a single PC build in 2013, you can have access to all the games that has ever launched for the PC. Whether it be Project IGI. GTA 3, anything. Yes, they might require a bit more compatibility settings and a bit of tweaking, but they can be made to work. Having an option is better than having no option at all.
yes but have you thought about what happens when steam does go down for good? or if it goes down to an attack from some disgruntled hacker? physical media is forever as long as you have a player for it and as long as the media does not degrade. people still play records and a-trac tapes and a few people still watch vhs. people will be watching dvds 20-30 years from now easy.
you arent stuck with dvds. you can make digital copies of them on your hard drive as long as you own the originals. however the legality is questionable depending on whom you talk to.
the problem with digital only media is twofold. if you have it stored on a hard drive then you need to have a hard drive large enough to handle it. this can range from 37 to 83 bluerays or up to 300 dvd movies. this may seem like alot however do realize that if you have tv series this can get taken up very quickly. also do realize that you are paying about $100-120 for a hard drive which can hold this information. on top of that realize that this hard drive can fail at any time. i've personally had such hard drives fail on me so do not quote failure rates as i know them well and they suck for anything above 1tb drives.
it can be quite a time investment to start a digital media library for your own use and to have a drive fail means countless hours (perhaps weeks) of time lost. sure you can run raid or sure you can have backup drives however where is the expense going to stop? physical media is cheaper for those of us with large collections. if you only have 100 movies then you can go digital perfectly fine.
dont even get started about online collections or subscriptions. a server hiccup, maintenance downtime or if data accidentally gets deleted the end user is SOL and its happend before. cloud storage is a joke and media subscriptions have downtime and streaming issues.
--> Many people don't even put a DVD player now in their build, hence DVD's are only going to die, believe it or not.
--> You can still use DVD's and Blu Ray's in PC if you prefer so.
--> 1TB HDD costs only $60. 2TB costs only $90 and 3TB costs only $120. So they are not as expensive as you are making them look.
--> DVD's get scratched and can loose or corrupt data easily with a few scratches. Hence DVD's are even more prone to the HDD.
--> But stick to DVD's if you prefer so still in 2013. I don't know what to say. Digital Services are the future, believe it or not.
--> Games on DVD's costs like at least $50. Steam games costs little less and they can be found for sales for like only $10 at times. A tonne of money saved.
remove $30 for student discount? what about all of the adults in this world? while i do agree about free antivirus being not too shabby some of us like using some of the paid subscriptions because they work great and we trust them more. for instance i would never trade up kaspersky as i feel it works better than any of them and it also gives me the features i want including quick updates (they update multiple times a day at times)
--> It is only paying Once. Not everytime.
--> Free Antivirus is more than enough for any home PC.
linux also is completely different and alient to windows users with the gui and general useage. while i do agree that it has major merit in some areas it helps to be very computer savvy if you run it. also what you mentioned about linux not having malware is a complete lie. there have been virus/trojan/etcetera for linux although you would be correct to say that they have not been as much of a problem as windows based attacks.
Again some fun facts
--> The Xbox and PS4 Gui and General Usage is also completely different from Windows.
--> Also it is not at all hard to use. That was a problem of the past. Have you even used a current Linux distro? Try Linux Mint. It can be used by any Windows users easily.
--> Linux based attacks are only like hundred ever recorded and they too required root access to work. And getting root access is not an easy task. So, with just a hundred viruses ever been made and that too requiring root access, I am pretty sure that it is way more safe than Windows. Hence
it is not a complete lie. 😀
as far as being complex. to set up you might need a few drivers your pc doesnt have installed which could frustrate people without much computer experience. once you get that far it is generally not a problem and the program will open and load fine and loading roms is easy.
the next complicated part is in setting up a controller although it depends on the type of controller. i myself use bluetooth on the pc which allows me to connect a bluetooth ps3 controller for convenience. this is buggy at best and while it does work it can be a little finnicky. if you have a usb wired controller likely you dont have this issue. its less convenient though.
--> It is not complex / frustrating / complicated / buggy / finnicky / inconvenient at all to install drivers. All you need to do is to download the driver from the manufacturer's website and then it is all just
Next-->Next-->Next-->Finish.. As simple as that..
--> Also most devices come with a DVD Disk, which you are a pretty big fan of (LOL!!) hence you can just insert the DVD and it is then only
Next-->Next-->Next-->Finish.. As simple as that..
another issue is gamegenie/cheat support. some of the old games were rather hard for the average user and some found it possible only with cheating which while i admit takes a bit of fun out of the game sometimes to beat the game that is what you need. take d-force for example where even with 99 lives i did not finish the game. the problem is that you need the hex values to enter in snes9x and they are not always easy to find. again perhaps a minor point but still one nonetheless
--> Cheating is a choice of their own. It is not an issue you can do it or you cannot. If you feel like doing so, then go ahead. If you don't then that is fine.
--> The HEX values are required in games which do not officially support cheats. Hence that is not an issue as the orignal manufacturer did not intended to do that.
Example of official Cheat : SEAWAYS in GTA Vice City - Rockstar intended people to use that cheat.
Example of unofficial Cheat : Finding the string which stores the amount of money with Cheat Engine to increase the amount of money - Rockstar did not intended people to do so and if finding HEX values is not easy then it is not the problem of Rockstar since it is unofficial Hence this is not a issue but rather a mere excuse.
who are you kidding. while aiming is important, having fast reflexes is a huge deal in pc fps multiplayer not just on console. i should know as i used to play fps games all the time and honed my reactions to stimuli. average players cannot even touch you. practice makes perfect.
while i might not agree with autoaiming the reason they did it is because controllers arent ideal for fps. the only reason why controllers are used is for casual or couch gaming so there is not much choice but to include some form of auto-aim or auto-correct.
yes you can hook up your pc to an xbox controller (or even a ps3 controller) however you might get your butt handed to you.
--> With PC you need to have fast reflexes as well as Aiming better.
--> With consoles, everything is only having fast reflexes. Nothing with Aiming, it is Auto.
--> Hence with PC you need two skills, with consoles only one. This is what I meant. Am I clear enough now?
all i'm saying is that mods can be risky while not having mods is zero risk. while you can always reinstall its still a PITA.
--> If someone finds it risky, then there is no pressure from anyone to Mod games on PC. They can play games unmodded too.
you do realize microsoft owns windows right so unless you are promoting linux only gaming (or shudder... mac os) i think you need to reword that. windows is the route you need to go if you want to play the most pc games so you will be under microsoft anyways.
i'm not tied up by sony for owning a ps2 or ps3. i play what i want to play when i want to play it. i do the things i want to do which is why i play some games on pc and some games on console depending on which has the exclusive or which interface i feel is better for that type of game. D3 for instance plays better on console. its easier, better drops and doesnt have the auction house which is why i purchased that version not the pc version.
--> It is not about the OS, it is about the Media Players, browsing Internet and other stuff.
--> With PC you can use Either Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE whatever you like, but with coinsole you are stuck with just one browser, you cannot change.
--> With PC you have the choice of having a lot of Media players like WMP, VLC and a lot more, but you have the same liberty with the consoles.
--> You have to use whatever they are offering you, if you do not like it, then you have no other option.
--> There are options with the PC, which the consoles lack. This is what I wanted to say.
Anyone don't think it is a flame war. It is just a discussion. One for and one against the topic. I think we have a pretty good debate going on here.