Constant Blue Screening Windows 8.1


Jul 27, 2016
I bought some parts to make a new computer and im having trouble getting it to run. I keep getting blue screens and different error messages such as IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal and Special_Pool_Detected_Memory_Corruption. I have gone to different places to find out what's wrong and I read that it was either my ram or drivers. I tested my ram and it was fine. If someone could help me that would be great. I spent a lot of money on this rig and would like to get it up and running as soon as possible.
Try a different monitor, i had the same issues with a Windows 8 build and it was a driver for the monitor wasn't working. just get a TV or another monitor if it works then go to the monitor manufacturer website and download and install the drivers.

Here are the Dump Files im going to run another memtest, so you can take look at those if you like.
There are no games currently on the drive. I had to reset it last night because either of my computers wasn't sensing the drive. I'll look into the AMD overdrive because the previous cpu is a AMD.
I have tried installing just Windows 10 and then I got the IRQL error. I just tried installing 32 bit and it didn't work. I tried the same thing with 10 and it hasn't worked either.
Yes the DVD had the 64 bit version. I was going to try other versions to see if it was just the OS, but I now see that it's not.

System Specs
Motherboard - Gigabyte H170-GAMING 3
RAM - Cosair Vengeance LPX 4x4GB
CPU - Intel Core i5-6400
Hard Drive - Toshiba 1TB
GPU - EVGA 970 SC (not installed into the build took it out about a week ago)
PSU - Cosair CX650M 650 Watt