Constant BSOD After 34+ Hours of running (New Build)


Aug 15, 2017
So I built this 3 weeks ago, it runs perfectly all the time unless its crashing on me, it used to crash daily but then I updated a gigabit adapter and an intel DRAM driver manually through device manager and it slowed the crashes down to every other day. But over the weekend it lasted much longer.

The crash errors went from specific driver crashes to generic memory error crashes after updating the drivers too.

I have already ran memtest64 and i got 11 passes, 0 errors after running it for 20 hours. (

You can see the "bluescreenview" of the crashes with the most recent one highlighted.

*(Note: The blank error is a system_service_exception)*

PCPartPicker part list

CPU: Intel - Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor (£291.50 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 LED 66.3 CFM Rifle Bearing CPU Cooler (£22.65 @ Ebuyer)
Motherboard: Asus - STRIX Z270F ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£156.80 @ Alza)
Memory: G.Skill - Trident Z RGB 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (£161.55 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£134.99 @ Aria PC)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£39.95 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB FTW3 GAMING iCX Video Card (£759.90 @ Alza)
Case: Phanteks - ECLIPSE P400 ATX Mid Tower Case (£58.62 @ More Computers)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 (EU) 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£83.99 @ Amazon UK)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Pro Full - USB 32/64-bit (£98.00 @ Amazon UK)
Case Fan: Corsair - ML120 Pro 75.0 CFM 120mm Fan (£15.29 @ Aria PC)
Case Fan: Corsair - ML120 Pro 75.0 CFM 120mm Fan (£15.29 @ Aria PC)
Total: £1838.53
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-08-15 09:22 BST+0100

As I said, ignoring the crashes, the PC runs perfectly fine, temps are nice and low (CPU is 65'C under load and 37'C on idle. GPU reaches about 74/75'C while gaming) and no stutters or issues at all during use.

Really lost as what to do.

All the dump files can be found here:

Please bear in mind, this is my first ever PC build and I've always worked with prebuilts before.
i can't read dumps but hopefully someone will for you soon

3rd error blames Nvidia GPU Drivers, I would suggest following this link below, run ddu and instead of reinstalling latest Nvidia drivers, just run windows update and let PC find latest drivers -

e1d65x64.sys mentioned on 30th JUly is Intel NDIS driver. This is the LAN drivers that may have come with win 10, check Asus web site and see if you have latest drivers for Intel LAN

dumps may find more drivers, those are just the two obvious ones. Rest blame ntoskrnl or hal.dll which are both the parts of windows that sit between applications and hardware. Always blamed for driver errors.
Hi, I ran the dump file(s) through the debugger and got the following information:

File: 081417-5062-01.dmp (Mon Aug 14 02:11:06 2017)
BugCheck: [BAD_POOL_HEADER (19)] {e, ffffd60d09a6a190, ce33200119d4d, 389086fa5575390}
Probably caused by: Npfs.SYS (Process: DSAService.exe)

File: 073117-4250-01.dmp (Mon Jul 31 17:05:54 2017)
BugCheck 11D, {7, ffffdb0353830000, 10000, 40000}
Probably caused by: memory_corruption (Process: svchost.exe)

File: 080517-5390-01.dmp (Fri Aug 4 21:21:34 2017)
BugCheck: [BAD_POOL_HEADER (19)] {3, ffffe201c60ab470, ffffe201c608b470, ffffe201c60ab470}
Probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe (Process: SearchIndexer.exe)

File: 080717-4437-01.dmp (Mon Aug 7 09:00:04 2017)
BugCheck: [SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION (3B)] {c0000005, fffff80071cc8722, ffffb001e3887df0, 0}
Probably caused by: memory_corruption (Process: playstv.exe)

File: 081017-4343-01.dmp (Wed Aug 9 23:11:49 2017)
BugCheck: [MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (1A)] {41201, ffffb48122c21010, 8200000251415825, ffffcb0d847e2950}
Probably caused by: memory_corruption (Process: chrome.exe)
I can't help you with this. Wait for someone else to reply. Good luck.

Thank you, i received another error just now for "PFN_LIST_CORRUPT" it really looks like a driver fault somewhere.
second error is pretty rare
EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR (11d) - Event Tracing subsystem has encountered an unexpected fatal error. First parameter indicates the type of failure.
Parameter 1 = 7. Trace buffer corruption

the last time I saw it, it was on an Asus motherboard. Do you have Asus AI Suite or PC Probe 2 installed? remove it if you aren't using it, it seems it includes a file from 2012 which can cause problems. Odd a new version of AI Suite would include such an old file. I can tell as I can see ASio.sys on PC

Old drivers released before Win 10:
Hamdrv.sys (Dated Mon Mar 30 2015) - LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Miniport Driver

I just uninstalled Sonic Radar 3, Sonic Studio 3 and GameFirst IV.

They are all asus software.

I left asus aura installed though as I use that to sync my RGB lights.
i have a feeling ASio.sys might be part of the aura package but I guess we will find out for sure. I didn't find positive proof, ASio.sys stands for Asus Input Output driver and it allows the software to track sensors on board, it might also allow the changing of settings like colors, its mostly used for CPU and fans though.
Most of those are memory and drive related. Test your drives using the drive makers tools. For seagate seatools, WD use data lifeguard, or samsung magician. I see you test the memory but also test the CPU's cache and memory controler with prime95 blend test 10 minutes should be enough.

Least one tho points to power issues and the rest random may be due to random parts not working with drivers are accessing. You may need another PSU to test with.

I'll know by monday (maybe sooner) if it crashes. It normally takes a couple days before it crashes.

I ran everything but Prime, which i will do soon.

But it all came back with passes.

I do not have another PSU anywhere to test it with.
Try checking all your PSU plugs connections. Unplug them and replug them in case dust may be on the plug connectors. Reseat your video card while its open. Pull the video card out of the PCIE slot and push it back in against in case of dust. Use furmark to test your video cards memory. Sorry I forgot about testing the video memory in past post. Just do a furmark benchmark as it should stress the video card more than a game.

I just did a furmark for 10 minutes, it reached 79'C and then evened out.

Did not help:

Prime was fine too.
Check your motherboard bios version to see if there may be some stablity fixes. The newest version is 1009.

If bios update doesn't fix the issue you may need to take your motherboard out with everything hooked up. Set it on the motherboard box and test. This tests for grounding issues. If it works correctly outside the case you may need plastic standoffs.

Bios is already up to date. EZ Flash 3 showed no updates.

I can't test that right now, but ill do it asap.

Sorry, what?

Okay, it is set as kernel, once it crashes I will post the dump logs.

Ohh.. okay. I'll do that tonight. I expect it to crash sometime today too.

Change of plans.

I am resetting my PC tonight.