Constant buzzing static with extremely faint sound.


Nov 5, 2013
I just recently switched my 8 pin power cord from the power supply to the motherboard because all of the components in my tower would turn on but nothing else, (mouse, monitor,keyboard,etc.) but when i switched to the other 8 pin power cord that was just kinda dangling beside it, everything started to power up and work just fine. After i had rebooted my comp i put on my headset and was getting ready for some gaming, but i noticed this buzzing static like noise that is constantly there. When i try to listen to music or a video what little sound i can hear is extremely faint, the static buzzing also reacts to me moving my mouse and typing on the keyboard.
there are 2 8 pin cords i had one plugged in when the whole keyboard and mouse thing wasnt working then i just took the 8 pin cord that was just attatched to the other cord and just switched them out .
actually scratch that last thing i said, i only had a single 4pin the 8 pin, but when i switched the 4 pin out for a new for pin i get this constant high pitched hum and static noise and i plugged both 4 pins into the slots to connect it to make an 8 pin, but ever since then i get this noise as soon as windows starts