Constantly getting the BSOD with error message IRQL NOT LESS THAN EQUAL TO


Sep 11, 2016

I have a Dell laptop (Inspiron 14R 5437), with Windows 10. I keep getting the BSOD as well, with a sad smiley and an error message saying "IRQL NOT LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO". I did some research online and found the below website that asked me to use the bluescreenview application, that allows users to view the minidump files created during this process:

When I ran this app, I found that the blue screen was caused by the ntoskrnl.exe file.

Can you please let me know how I can fix this problem and what driver the above file relates to?

My system specs are below:
Windows 10
4th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-4200U
2GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 740M
Either use the dell driver updater software or visit web site for laptop and make sure you have newest drivers. IRQ errors effecting ntsokrnl are all driver errors so its just a matter of finding newer ones.

NTOSKRNL = the part of windows that handles driver requests so it isn't as easy as fixing it, you need to find what is causing it to do the error.

Can you follow option one here:
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c/windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone...
Either use the dell driver updater software or visit web site for laptop and make sure you have newest drivers. IRQ errors effecting ntsokrnl are all driver errors so its just a matter of finding newer ones.

NTOSKRNL = the part of windows that handles driver requests so it isn't as easy as fixing it, you need to find what is causing it to do the error.

Can you follow option one here:
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c/windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)