Continual Unsolved BSOD Issue


Jul 1, 2013
I've been having the same problem since about November, but now I fear it's gotten worse. If I play ANY game aside from Runescape, Minecraft, or Terraria, my computer will crash and blue screen in anywhere from 30-120 seconds. I JUST purchased Pixel Pirates from Steam, which requires 1GB RAM, and a 1.6GHz processor. My machine has 16x the RAM, and slightly double the processing power. I have a 650Ti BOOTS SuperClocked video card, so I highly doubt graphical processing power is the issue (especially with this game). I've posted half a dozen times now for the same problem and not one fix has been able to help me. I'm nearly at the point of desperation now, especially considering my girlfriends laptop from '10 is running these games better than my desktop.
I'm not sure what the actual message is, and when it blue screens, the computer simply locks up, a very loud buzz is played through any speakers on, and the monitors both display "HDMI NO SIGNAL" and "No VGA Input Found" for the respective monitors. Any idea how to locate the crash file? (I swear I used to know, but that was a while ago). If I remember from my last "solutions" that were picked for my previous posts (which I did not select, as they didn't help), the error codes I was having were related to faulty hardware and a bad BIOS. Since then, I've done tests to ensure no hardware is faulty, and replaced my motherboard, all of which was confirmed to work by users from this very site.
BSODs are usually related to faulty hardware. Either the hardware screwed up, or a driver screwed the hardware up. 🙂

It's possible there has been a misdiagnosis somewhere. Blue screens don't just happen for no reason. Once you find the source of the problem and eliminate it, you'll stop experiencing the errors.

What was the reason for the motherboard switch? Was it to an identical replacement, or to a different make and model of motherboard?

Did you reinstall Windows after you performed the motherboard replacement?

You might consider uploading a dump file to this site:
Windows WAS reinstalled, and the most up-to-date drivers were all selected from manufacturers sites. I had multiple reasons for the motherboard switch. Bottlenecking several components, faulty BIOS, and it was a general use grade board (I was beyond inexperienced with looking at specs when I first built this machine about 2 years ago). I upgraded to a gaming-grade board (went from a mATX MSI board to full ATX GIGABYTE board) with a known-good BIOS, no on-board video (as it wasn't needed), and an upgraded socket because I plan to upgrade my CPU within the next year. Spec wise, everything is compatible, I've double and triple checked on that.

Also, the only dump file I've found from today are both reporting from the Mozilla folder, and I doubt that was the cause as Firefox wasn't even running in the processes when I launched the game.

EDIT: After searching online, I found that the dump file should be found in C:\Windows\Minidump\Minidump.dmp, but no such folder is showing up for me. Going to try and replicate the problem and see if anything comes up.
No worries. 🙂 Glad to hear you reinstalled Windows properly instead of trying to make the old install work. I'm certainly a satisfied customer of Gigabyte's motherboards and have been using them 90% of the time for about the last 17 years.

Could it be that you have disabled the writing of debugging information to dump files?
Neither have I. Last time I had this issue (on the previous installation of Windows), they were there. I'm starting to suspect my video card, as I think it was after changing it that I began having issues. Sadly the old card is in one of my other computers in another state, so I couldn't try it to see if that fixes anything. If I remember correctly though, I was able to play titles like Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur with this card..
Things look like there pointing to your GFX Card

Possible a issue with DX 11 in particular since it seems to only be happening in newer games


Also Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3d Settings - Program Setting adjusting settings in a game that crashes to reflect games that don't

Get some benchmarking Software to test DX 9, DX 10, DX 11 to see if it only crashing on DX 11

More drastic testing like unplugging everything not needed to play games (DVD, Usb, extra Ram etc) to rule out these devices in case of conflicts - likely will not help but never you know

Check Event logs ... press 'Windows key' - type 'Event' - Select 'Event Viewer' under Windows logs - System and Application may reveal issues leading up to a crash.

All the best hope something above reveals a bit more light as to what may be happening
Ok, going to run 3DMark for DirectX 10 and 11 tonight, possibly running into the morning. I'll report back as soon as I can. Thanks for the suggestion Markkk, and same to you bigpinkdragon286!
Hit a road bump. Haven't had the time to run any benchmarks. I won't be able to until after my spring break, so in about 14 days. Please bear with me, I'll be sure to post back as soon as I can. Thanks again for all the suggestions.