continuity testing CPU's?

A continuity test will UNDOUBTEDLY damage a good cpu.
The only way to test a cpu is to put it in a known good board, or some kind of specialisd testing equipment.
continuity between where and where? It's an active device, not a wired connection internally (apart from common ground pins). Appling voltage to them (which is what a continuity meter does) will damage it.

Even if it were somehow possible, there are 1150 pins, meaning millions of combinations.

Even if that were possible, how would you know what the fault was and fix it?

The only way to test a CPU is to put it in a mobo and see if it works! Then proceed to circuit level analysis, initially check easy stuff like supply voltages, but then using a fast scope ($$$100k's) start to check each of the 1000 signals to check they were in spec and their relationship to each other. (I just touched the surface here)

In summary, buy a new CPU