continuous beeping in Windows and now not posting on startup but does get to flash screen---but no further

May 7, 2018
Got continuous beeping in Windows 10 and now not posting on startup but does get to flash screen---but no further Do not get the log on screen. Have tried to eliminate and all the computer will do is spin up the fans--both cpu fan and chassis fan. Will not do anything else and no post beep on this Gigabyte GA H81 D3 mbd from a build about 1 1/2 yrs ago that was running fine until now. Have re-seated the memory, and both power cords and SSD. Nothing seems to help.

Yes I have cleared the cmos but havree not updated bios yet or updated drivers. Will try that next but don't have much hope for the mbd. No beep codes when I remove the memory or SSD