Question Control GPU fans using case fans control

Apr 1, 2021
I have an Aorus gtx1060 that's been malfunctioning for over a year, and want to know if there is a way to control the GPU fans directly from the pwm of the case fans. I disassembled the GPU and noticed the fans have 4 wires, but the connector is slightly different to that from standard PC fans. Can it be done? Is there any easy way to do it? (a prebuild adapter if possible, but I can solder wires if required) What considerations do I need to keep in mind?


The reason I want to do it is a malfunction present for over a year. The fans never get an intermediate speed, they jump in a second from very slow to crazy, noissy speed (the model has 3 fans)
I have tried several drivers versions, updating motherboard bios, around 4 different fan control softwares, testing GPU on a different pc with different OS, flashing the GPU bios to factory settings (even if i never changed it before). Same problem, nothing works.
When testing with control software (all the 4 I tried), this is the behaviour:
  • if set a 0% pwm, the fans keep going slow, minimum velocity.
  • if set anything over 0% (or it does due to the temp control), the fans go at max speed. 1% and 100% have the exact same effect on them.
  • if it's already at max speed it will NOT go back to min speed even If the temp goes down or I set 0% pwm again. They keep at max speed until I reset or put the system to sleep.

So far my solution is editing the control curve to 0% before 75C°, and 100% after, but it's far from optimum, as it gets hot and the demanding games make it go over 75C° anyway, and I have to lower settings and put the PC to sleep to turn them off, or tolerate the crazy noise.
So that's why I want a more permanent solution using an external control. Any ideas? Thank you.