Question Control : Resources won't load at some time?


Not really sure what that image is showing beyond an overall hazy purplish color.

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Nov 29, 2020
In the video the wall, the writings, are pixelated. (Like 1440p to 144p) And I can fix that by just clicking esc and return to game, it happens all the time. And it started to become annoying.

i5 4670K
gtx 980
16gb ram
platoon eps600-a

I tried to swap the game hdd to ssd, didn't make a difference,
Sometimes the GPU goes down all the way to %30 usage
The CPU always sits at %30-%50
The thermals are 50 to 60 degrees max
I don't know what's wrong.. I've played cyberpunk, ark, and all other games on 2k resolution, all were fine except this. The game looks garbage and unplayable at the moment
Hello, I can fix this by just changing graphics high to medium, or medium to high. Why is this happening?


About %30-%50 CPU usage
%80-%100 GPU usage

I used to run into the same issue when I played control. Sometimes textures wouldn't load properly for some reason and would stay at their low-resolution version. It happened inconsistently and for no apparent reason so I chalked it up to a bug. The only solution I had was to change the render resolution in the game settings which would re-load textures, fixing the problem.

It didn't happen often enough for it to be a chore so I just rolled with it. I'm not aware of a permanent fix; sorry I can't be more helpful.