The question/theories about what Microsoft is really up to is also on my mind. I've been trying to get some answers to questions around this. For example: What happens when/if there are thousands of Bots vying for my attention via Cortana (and Cortana in Skype and Cortana in Outlook and dozens of other Cortana infused apps)? Will they (the Bot companies) eventually pay (like they do in a search query) for access to my eyeballs, now based on knowing a bunch of things about me that Cortana is tracking, seemingly for my own benefit but now for the benefit of paying advertisers (er, Bot makers)? Beyond the conspiracy theories, how can I arbitrate these services/Bots -- sure they are being served to me based on my favorite things, behavior, preferences, but do things start to get suggested to me? On the flip side, what about discovery? I may not want to do the things I've always done or use the things I've always used, but instead be offered some other ideas. (Microsoft did tell me they would have a "more" function that would let you do this.) Ultimately I think the lack of answers about this could just mean Microsoft hasn't figured it all out yet; on the other hand, they may have and don't want to talk about it. I don't necessarily want to stir the conspiracies here, but these are the questions I'm trying to get answered. Personally I'm excited about the intelligence this will bake into my experiences, but in light of our recent history of companies exploiting our personal data, I do start to wonder if I'll just end up opting out of this. Anyway, if folks want to submit (here) a list of questions for Microsoft, I'll keep working on this . . .