Conversion from blue to red switches?


Jan 10, 2016
Recently I got my first mechanical keyboard,i'm using it to type this question right now,it came with blue clicky switches,I mostly play fps,moba's,mmo's and osu! and this board has performed flawlessly in everything I threw at it, but I'm not familiar with any other types of switches (besides briefly trying them out at a store) for day to day use,I've been thinking about bringing this keyboard back and replacing it for reds (Browns didn't feel that nice to me and blacks were too heavy) I've heard that reds were "faster" for double tapping and were more responsive then blues, and also more quiet (but noise isn't an issue to me) would changing from blues to reds really make that much of a difference functionality,and responsiveness wise,or would the conversion simply not be worth it? Thank you in advance.
you could always buy a red board from a local store and then return the product you like least.

trial and error really is the only way to know for sure.

from what you've said though it seems like staying with the blues may be a good idea.
well theres not so much changing them out as there is buying another keyboard which has different switches installed..

blues are ideal for typing since they have tactile and audible feedback as well as key letoff/dropout. typing speed and accuracy are generally positively affected. due to key dropout double tapping is not as easy and some might find them odd for gaming.

browns are similar but without the noise (audible feedback).

blacks and reds are pure linear. no tactile bump, not audible click, no key letoff or dropout. basically they are keys on springs. while this can allow very fast double tapping and rapid input it also is a little strange and for some uncomfortable to be typing on. there are no benefits to increase typing speed or accuracy and for some people it might even hurt this.

what switch fits you depends on what your preferences are and what the uses of the keyboard will be. of cherry switches i've always liked blues more since typing is more important to me though not everyone will have the same opinion.

Thanks for the detailed response,i'm mostly using this keyboard for gaming and light typing on wattapad, personally i find that blue switches are fine for gaming ,and really responsive as far as I can tell,but since i haven't tried the reds yet for a daily use keyboard i cant form an opinion on them,which led me to second guess my decision on getting blues.
you could always buy a red board from a local store and then return the product you like least.

trial and error really is the only way to know for sure.

from what you've said though it seems like staying with the blues may be a good idea.

I got a chance to try out all the different switches again however i do still like my blues,so i've decided to get a red switch keyboard later on,to have the best of both,Thanks for the suggestion!