Converting a NES Controller to work with USB.


Jun 16, 2013
I'd like to convert my NES Controller to somehow make it work on USB and connect it to my computer. I know it possible, but so far I found only some retrogaming website that sells the chip that you can convert your controller with and make it USB compatible. I cannot get that as I don't have any stores that sell such thing in my vecinity, (I live in the eastern Europe) nor do I want to order that chip as it costs too much for this fuss.

I'd like to know if anyone here has anyother ideas on how could I do this, without retro chip. Maybe use an usb keyboard? or something else, and how?

The usb keyboard does have a chip that may allow such a conversion.

It has been a long time since i looked in side of a Nintendo controller, but if i remember correctly it was just a set of contacts like a TV remote(no fancy analog or anything).

If the controller has its own control chip you may have to isolate the buttons from the chip and connect then to the keyboard controller. The keyboard controller does not have an input for each button however it has so many and depending on how they are connected it knows what keys are pressed.

This would leave your Nintendo controller not being seen as a controller at all and instead as a keyboard(with very limited keys).

Any software you use has to be able to remap its keys to whatever...
Google for "nes controller to usb" I know amazon and newegg sell them for about $10 here in the states. I have around 1500 games with an emulator for both nes and snes with both controllers. I like modding things just to say that I made it myself but it was just easier to buy them then to make them.
The usb keyboard does have a chip that may allow such a conversion.

It has been a long time since i looked in side of a Nintendo controller, but if i remember correctly it was just a set of contacts like a TV remote(no fancy analog or anything).

If the controller has its own control chip you may have to isolate the buttons from the chip and connect then to the keyboard controller. The keyboard controller does not have an input for each button however it has so many and depending on how they are connected it knows what keys are pressed.

This would leave your Nintendo controller not being seen as a controller at all and instead as a keyboard(with very limited keys).

Any software you use has to be able to remap its keys to whatever keys you use.

Before getting into all this, I would see about ensuring the you can in fact use the keyboard controller by testing it with either momentary switches or another method to ensure they actually work the way you want then to.

I still think you are FAR better off to get a usb -> NES adapter from the internet(many times shipping is free or at least cheap). This reduces the chances of damaging a controller trying to modify it.

For a while you could get NES type controllers in USB without the need for an adapter.
Nukemaster is right in that the NES controller works with contact points like a TV remote does. Most game controllers use the same method for everything not analog based. What you can do is find a cheap USB game controller, cannibalize it to get the processing chip out of it and wire the NES controller button points to where they used to go on the cheap controllers chip. It is kind of a hassle though and will make it so your controller won't work with a NES again; thus why the adapter is a better option.