Cooler For i7 Overclocking


I got a Cooler Master V8 paired with AS5 and my i7 920 D0 on stock speed idles at 24-25C and on full load doesn't even get above 45-50C i think, maybe even less it depends on room temp. It is expensive now but i got for half the price it is now at thanksgiving plus I am big car fan so it looking like a V8 engine kinda made me want it since its all cooling looking.

For a good price/performance ratio, megalems and hyper 212+ plus some more high end CM coolers are very good.


Mar 8, 2010
Thanks for all the advice guys, i think I'm gonna jut go with the megahalem.

So the next step is fan selection.

Here are my option

Yate loon 84 cfm 40 dba

2 x Yate loon blue led 46 cfm 23 dba

The 2 led ones would be more expensive.

I am wondering how dba adds together.

Do the two fans combine to create 46 dba?

Or do two distinct sounds travel creating more noise but not louder noise?