[citation][nom]KyleSTL[/nom]Yeah, and a Bugatti Veyron is the best car (by the numbers) and costs a fortune. You can get a car that's 80% as fast for 1/10th the cost. Stop waving your e-penis around, it's so tacky.[/citation]
By this I only wanted to show that the C.M. Hyper Z600 if silent cannot be as performant as air cooling, that is noisy. So if someone "really" need power AND silence, they need high end solutions, as Liquid and not a passive coller. So i'm no "waving my e-penis around" like you said, i'm just lightning the path on this bad cooling solution that is the Z600. Learn to read between the lines.
And by the way, i said "CUSTOM", so i made it by myself, so it only cost me some patience and not more than 90$ of materials.