Cooler master thunder 450 v1 v2 1rail

Raju Mon

Nov 24, 2014
In my smps Thunder 450W have Dual 12v rail 
1 is 21Amp 2 is 18 amp how can I identify the both cables, is the default one have the 21 amp ?
Pls Help
What exactly are you trying to do? You are probably overthinking this.

Generally in two rail PSUs rail one is the 24pin and 4 or 8 pin ATX pins. All the other cables come off the second rail. Another common setup is to list it as two rails, but really be only one. I don't remember much about the thunder, other then it's a low end/poor PSU.
What exactly are you trying to do? You are probably overthinking this.

Generally in two rail PSUs rail one is the 24pin and 4 or 8 pin ATX pins. All the other cables come off the second rail. Another common setup is to list it as two rails, but really be only one. I don't remember much about the thunder, other then it's a low end/poor PSU.