Cooling a EVGA gtx 970


Feb 28, 2015
Hey guys,
building my first PC. Going the gaming route and i was wondering if liquid cooling the factory superclocked EVGA GeForce GTx 970 was a necessity. Or if i could just stick to an aftermarket fan. Really noob here, so if i sound ignorant to the PC realm it is because i am. THANKS IN ADVANCED!

Hello, and no issue with the "noob" question we were all at that point once.

The gtx 970 is an extremely efficient card so therefore it does not generate alot of heat. The cooler on this card is more than efficient at cooling it (otherwise why would they put it on.) Therefore when you buy the card as long as your case has decent airflow you will not have a problem. At that point if you want you can look into overclocking the card as...

Hello, and no issue with the "noob" question we were all at that point once.

The gtx 970 is an extremely efficient card so therefore it does not generate alot of heat. The cooler on this card is more than efficient at cooling it (otherwise why would they put it on.) Therefore when you buy the card as long as your case has decent airflow you will not have a problem. At that point if you want you can look into overclocking the card as you can expect a pretty good performance boost (just not as much as on water) or you can adjust the fan curves if you want a really quiet pc.

Trust me this is a great card! You won't be disappointed.

So EVGA is Nvidia? i'm confused.

the one i plan on purchasing is the superclocked one. does that mean that it comes overclocked factory? because that's what i assumed.

nVidia makes the GPU diode itself. They then sell it to various vendors(eg; EVGA, MSI, Gigabyte, etc) and those vendors intergrate it into their cooler and chip. If that made ay sense to you.

NVidia Makes GPU -> Sells it to various companies -> Those companies make their own cooler and etc -> They then rebrand it as their version.

Makes sense. Thank you guys. If you're bored, i'll show you the case I've ordered and you can let me know if it's ventilated enough. I did somewhat cheap out on the case. Tried my best not to spend more than $1000 at first(that's with monitor and keyboard and mouse.) But that didn't work out for long. Got it down to about $1250 after rebates.


All the GTX cards are Nvidia based. Various manufacturers add their OC'ing, cooling systems and etc.