cooling my cpu fx 9590


May 30, 2015
Guys i need a clarification on choosing liquid cooler for fx 9590:
1. Silverstone TD-02 e
2 Corsair h100i GTX
3. LEPA Aquachanger or LEPA exllusion 240
4. Raijintek Triton (240mm)

Please help me in choosing......!!!!
The 9590 originally was released as a publicity thing, to get AMD in the news as they had dropped plans for the Excavator CPUs and basically had nothing going on. It allowed them to lay claim to having the 'fastest' stock CPU on the market. (never mind it wasn't a 'stock' CPU but a highly OCed 8350). Also remember AMD never sent ANY of these out for review, and with good reason, for those of us who invested in one to see what it could do it was bitterly disappointing. With the initial price being over twice that of a 4770K, putting it head to head with a 4770K at stock resulted in it getting beat handily at everything. The 4670K also took it to task at basically everything except rendering. It was about even in some things with a...

Im not an expert on Water cooling as i have never used it. What i will say however is are you planning on Overclocking at all? If not then water cooling is really a waste of time and money as regular fans will do the job.
Water COOLING OR Big Air COOLING is essential with the 9590 , preferably water a minimum of the h100i.

Your choices for the 9000 series:

Asrock 970 Performance
ASRock 990FX Extreme9
ASRock 990FX Extreme6
Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0
Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 R4.0\5.0
Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5
Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD7


Warning: This power draw of this CPU is almost twice that of the average CPU. Due to this, AMD recommends using at minimum a 850W to 1000W power supply. For cooling, AMD recommends using either either closed loop liquid cooling , h100i minimum or full system liquid cooling.
I can't say anything about the other coolers but the Corsair H100i will work nicely. I've got that on my FX-9370 and it is cooled to 47C on heavy load. I'm sure any 240mm Rad will do the trick but the Corsair does look nice.
Liquid cooling is really air cooling.
Just the location of the radiator is changed.
You will need a case with very good airflow.
Yes, something like a 240mm cooler will be required to run that beast at stock.

If you already have all the parts go ahead with liquid cooling.

If not, and this is a prospective build, reconsider FX of any sort.
The $125 you might spend on just the cooler will buy you a i3-6100 that is competitive for gaming.

Thanks for your advice........... i have that CPU now........ What about exllusion 240?

Wasn't hard for me. Works like a charm for over 3 yrs. Have you tried it or something?

That's mainly due to a lack of understanding what the FX-9590 is all about. Yes its a beast of a processor and if you choose it then you had better have the right MB,PSU, Water Cooler and a reasonable understanding of what you can do with the EUFI Bios. The FX 9590 has a TDP of 220W and not many MBs support it fully. Its virtually the same as the 8350 but has been factory binned for the 5GHz turbo capability.

It has been put down since its inception and mainly by Intel fans who have purposely found issue without real fact. Originally for price/performance and rightly so. Now its a lounge heater or Volcano or energy gussler, whatever.

There are many enthusiasts who have tamed this beast and I have helped many to overcome stability issues.
The FX-9590 is a very good performance CPU and I have two systems clocked at 5.2GHz. There's not much I can't throw at it in AAA games at max and for rendering. Not a CPU for the faint hearted that's for sure.

@ SAI LDRAGO :) A H110 is sufficient for cooling your FX-9590 up to 5.2GHz and if you want my help to get there then shoot me a pm.
The 9590 originally was released as a publicity thing, to get AMD in the news as they had dropped plans for the Excavator CPUs and basically had nothing going on. It allowed them to lay claim to having the 'fastest' stock CPU on the market. (never mind it wasn't a 'stock' CPU but a highly OCed 8350). Also remember AMD never sent ANY of these out for review, and with good reason, for those of us who invested in one to see what it could do it was bitterly disappointing. With the initial price being over twice that of a 4770K, putting it head to head with a 4770K at stock resulted in it getting beat handily at everything. The 4670K also took it to task at basically everything except rendering. It was about even in some things with a 3770K, but if you OCed the 3770K it ran away from the 9590. While the price quickly went to far more reasonable, it's still high, considering the need for a more expensive mobo, a GOOD water cooler, higher end PSU, and case with good cooling. I went in on the one I/we had with another builder friend of mine and after our testing, we were quick to sell the rig and take a loss. Later I decided to build an AMD for helping people here on the forums and even though offered a couple of good deals on 9590s, turned them down and went ahead and picked up a new 8370 (which actually was a bit overpriced, an 8350 would have been fine as I knew I could OC regarless, but also knew the 8370s were binned higher

Thank u MeanMachine for your advice but my cabinet supports 240mm radiator only......... so i am thinking of going with Cryorig A40 ultimate......... What's your opinion for this.......??


I think the Cryorig A40 if it fits will serve you well according to its specs. I have not built a system with one personally.
With 25 CFM and twin PWM fans, sounds good with decent reviews imo.